Spinning or casting is a technique of fishing that is used to target fish that are usually close to the top of the water. Throwing a lure of any description and retrieving it in a variety of different speeds and rhythms to produce a bite from a nearby fish.

Equipment required for Spinning
To complete this style of fishing you will be required to use a fishing rod that has a good amount of flexibility at the tip of the rod to assist with repeat casting and cast length. You will also need a matching reel, suitable strength fishing line and a lure (Lures, spinners, spoons and spinnerbaits) are the most common.
Species to target when Spinning
Common freshwater targets are Trout, Salmon, Perch, Chub, Bream, Pike, Walleye, Blue Kurper and Bass.
For saltwater, you can expect to target Snapper, Kingfish, Tuna, Bluefish and Amberjack effectively.
The Albacore (Thunnus alalunga) has large eyes and long pectoral fins. This is why this species is also known as longfin tuna. The largest Albacore can reach up to 140 cm (4.6ft) and weigh up to 40 kg (90lb).
MORE INFO >Albacore
Atlantic Bonito (Sarda sarda) is a rapid fish species known for being great hunters. They have striping on their backs with silver-coloured undersides and they grow up to 30 inches long. They have a hydrodynamic body shape, even more so than larger tuna.
MORE INFO >Atlantic Bonito
Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) or simply mackerel have a great back with irregular black bands. They're very common and like the temperate waters of the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and the northern Atlantic Ocean. Mackerel are typically between 25-35cm.
MORE INFO >Atlantic Mackerel
The great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda), often referred to as barracuda, is a long predator that can be found in tropical and subtropical waters where they like to patroll mangroves, reefs and drop-offs. Record barracuda can grow to 1,5m and weigh over 45kg (100lb+).
MORE INFO >Barracuda
Black bass (Micropterus) is a common name for several species like the largemouth bass, smallmouth bass and spotted bass for example. Famous for its great fighting skills, they are a very sought after game fish. Black bass are found in fresh water in the Canada, United States, Mexico, Portugal, Spain and France. Black bass are mostly caught spinfishing. They can grow up to 60 cm / 25 in.
MORE INFO >Black Bass
The Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) is known by anglers as being a fast, aggressive and strong fish of the ocean. They are fun to target and give a real challenge to anyone who comes across them while fishing. They inhabit temperate and subtropical waters around the world. Bluefish have extremely powerful jaws with razor sharp teeth. They can grow over a meter and weigh over 10kg.
MORE INFO >Bluefish
The brown trout (Salmo trutta) is a salmonid fish which actually has two varieties: the salt water version Salmo trutta trutta - also known as the sea trout - and the fresh water species Salmo trutta fario. Some experts even distinguish a third variety: the lake trout Salmo trutta lacustris. Although the most ...
MORE INFO >Brown Trout
The cubera snapper (Lutjanus cyanopterus) is a sought-after gamefish that inhabits the Atlantic coastal waters from Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. This species can reach a length of 160 cm and weigh up to 50kg. Not to be confused with the Pacific Cubera Snapper.
MORE INFO >Cubera Snapper
Dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor), also referred to as Doggies or white tuna, is probably one of the most sought after species for sportfishermen, being jigging and spinning the preferred fishing techniques. Apart from braking your back, landing one of these brutal fighting machines is arguably an unforgettable experience. They can grow as large as 250cm (8 feet) and can weigh a whopping 130kg.
MORE INFO >Dogtooth tuna
Mahi Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) are also commonly referred to as dorado, dolphin or dolphinfish. They are recognizable by their bluntly shaped heads, long dorsal fin and their bright colouring, dark blue and green on their dorsal side and yellow on their sides and underside.
The the European barracuda (Sphyraena sphyraena) is also known as the Mediterranean barracuda. This predator is common in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. They can grow up to 1,65m and weigh over 3,5kg.
MORE INFO >European Barracuda
Gilt-head Bream (Sparus aurata) is a common species in the Mediterranean Sea and also in the Atlantic Ocean from Britain to Cape Verde. Popular in the Mediterranean cuisine, the fish is easily recognized by the gold bar marking between its eyes. The largest gilt-head bream are 1 metre long and can weigh up to 7kg (15lb).
MORE INFO >Gilt-head Bream
The king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) or kingfish is a common fish species of the western Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. King Mackerel can grow to up to 40kg (90lb) and have razor sharp teeth.
MORE INFO >King mackerel
Mangrove red snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus), also known as mangrove jack in Australia, belongs to the snapper family. It is found in the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean from the African coast to Samoa and Japan in the north to Australia in the south. Mangrove red snapper can grow up to 1,5 m and reach a maximum weight of almost 9 kg.
MORE INFO >Mangrove red snapper
Pike (Esox) are a fresh water predator found in the Northern Hemisphere. Several subspecies are distributed in Canada, North America, Europe and Asia. Pike can grow up to 1,5m (59 inch) and weigh over 25kg (55lbs). Trolling, spinfishing, life or dead bait fishing and fly fishing are the best techniques to fish for this fish.
Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is a salmonid fish. River adult rainbow trout can weigh up to 2,5kg (5lb), whereas stealhead and lake rainbow trout can weith up to 9kg (20lb).
MORE INFO >Rainbow Trout
The redfish (Sciaenops ocellatus), also known as red drum is one of the most sought after light tackle game fish. The fish is found in the western Atlantic Ocean from northern Mexico to the Southeast of the US. Red drum are a dark red color on the back and have a characteristic black eyespot near the tail. They feed on crabs, shrimp and mullet.
MORE INFO >Redfish
Just by looking at a roosterfish (Nematistius pectoralis), you can immediately tell how they got their name. Their trademark dorsal fin resembles a giant mohawk or the comb of a rooster. Beyond the dorsal fins, the rest of the roosterfish body is unique as well. The biggest roosters weigh more than 60lb.
MORE INFO >Roosterfish
Salmon is a generic name for several species from Salmonidae family. In fact there are eight species distributed in the Pacific Ocean (like for example the Chinook salmon, Pink salmon or the Sockeye salmon) and one species from the Atlantic Ocean (the Atlantic salmon).
The sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is for many sport fishermen a trophy fish because of the nice fight they offer but also because they're an excellent eating fish. Sea bass, also known as European bass, are found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, from northern Norway to Senegal, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. They can grow up to 1 metre and weigh up to 12kg.
MORE INFO >Sea bass
The snook (Centropomus undecimalis) is a great sportfish widespread throughout in western atlantic coastal waters. They are found in creeks, mangroves and shallow waters from North Carolina to Brazil. Snook can grow over 50 inch (1,4m) and weigh over 20kg (50lb)!
The Atlantic Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus) is a species of mackerels that can be found in the western Atlantic Ocean in the waters of Mexico, Gulf of Mexico to Florida. Atlantic Spanish mackerel have very sharp teeth and can grow up to 13 pounds (6kg) and live up to 12 years old. Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel live in tropical and sub-tropical waters of in Southeast Asia and can grow up to about 2.4 m and more than 40 kg.
MORE INFO >Spanish Mackerel
Wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri), also known as Ono (meaning “delicious” in Hawaiian), are found in many subtropical and tropical waters. They’re identifiable by their blue-green upper body which shifts into silver towards their belly. They also have blue vertical striping along their sides. These predators are torpedo-shaped and have long and largemouths with teeth.
Yellowfin tuna grow fast, up to 400 pounds (180kg) in about a 7-year lifespan, and they range in length from 59 inches to 88 inches long. They’re known for their torpedo shape, with a pointed nose and a sickle-shaped tail, and have dark blue backs with yellow sides (thus their name) with a silver underside.
MORE INFO >Yellowfin Tuna
The yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) is a type of amberjack found in the Southern Hemisphere. They can grow up to 180 cm (70 in). Yellowtail kingfish can be caught from New Zeeland, Australia to Chile.
MORE INFO >Yellowtail Kingfish
Best Places to try Spinning
This is another common method that you are likely to find used in many different areas around the world.
Areas such as lakes, rivers and oceans are great places to target the above fish species with this method.
Best Spinning Fishing Charters
G&T Fishing School & Charters
Hinchinbrook, Townsville