Dogtooth tuna fishing
Dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor), also referred to as Doggies or white tuna, is probably one of the most sought after species for sportfishermen, being jigging and spinning the preferred fishing techniques. Apart from braking your back, landing one of these brutal fighting machines is arguably an unforgettable experience.
Doggies live in tropical waters of the Indian Ocean from northern Australia, Polynesia and Vanuatu to Japan, and from the Maladives, the Red Sea to Madagascar.
They can grow as large as 250cm (8 feet) and can weigh a whopping 130kg.
Top Dogtooth tuna Fishing destinations
Distributed throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, dogtooth tuna live along deeper reefs, offshore atolls and large embayments. The best dogtooth tuna fishing destinations are Sudan in the Red Sea, the Maldives, Seychelles (Farquhar Atoll), Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Polynesia, Vanuatu, Japan and New South Wales in Australia.
How to fish for Dogtooth tuna
Dogtooth tuna are caught jigging, trolling and with live bait. As they use to swim in deep waters, close to drop offs and plateaus off shore, vertical jigging has become very popular. Jigs of 200 - 300 gr are dropped down with a 80lb leader.
Good live bait are bonito or rainbow runner, rigged with a circle hook. Rarely they're caught trolling artificial lures.
Other Fish Species similar to Dogtooth tuna
The Amberjack species are a game fish that are found both in the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Jigging and live bait fishing are the best techniques to target these magnificent fighters. Greater Amberjack can weigh up to 170 lb (80 kg).
MORE INFO >Amberjack
Distributed throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, the Giant Trevally - also known as GT - (Caranx ignobilis) is the most wanted species for popping lovers. They can be 1,70 cm long and reach up to 80 kg (175 lb)!
MORE INFO >Giant Trevally
Grouper is common name for all the bass-looking-fish from the Epinephelinae Family. This family also includes sea bass by the way. Grouper are colorful predators who like to live in rocky areas, reefs, wrecks where they can hide.
MORE INFO >Grouper
The Crevalle Jack or Jack Crevalle (Caranx hippos) is a very popular sport fish that belongs to the Carangidae fish species. Horse mackerel, amberjack and giant trevally also belong to this family. Jack Crevalle can grow to a length of 120 cm and a weight of 30 kg.
MORE INFO >Jack Crevalle
Just by looking at a roosterfish (Nematistius pectoralis), you can immediately tell how they got their name. Their trademark dorsal fin resembles a giant mohawk or the comb of a rooster. Beyond the dorsal fins, the rest of the roosterfish body is unique as well. The biggest roosters weigh more than 60lb.
MORE INFO >Roosterfish
Best Dogtooth tuna Fishing Charters
Game Fisher Maldives
Baa Atoll, Maldives
Black Ops Business
Cairns, Queensland (Australia)
Catch & Cook Adventure
Uturoa, Raiatea, (French Polynesia)
Moana 2
Black River, Mauritius (Mauritius)