Horse Mackerel fishing
The horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) is a common species found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean off Europe from Norway to South Africa and into the south-eastern Indian Ocean to Mozambique. It belongs to the same family as the giant trevally.
They are normally between 20 and 30 cm, although the larger fish can grow up to 70 cm and weigh around 2-3kg.
Horse mackerel are caught with feathers (sabiki rigs), small lures and jigs. They are also excellent live bait for tuna fishing for example.
Other Fish Species similar to Horse Mackerel
The Amberjack species are a game fish that are found both in the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Jigging and live bait fishing are the best techniques to target these magnificent fighters. Greater Amberjack can weigh up to 170 lb (80 kg).
MORE INFO >Amberjack
Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) or simply mackerel have a great back with irregular black bands. They're very common and like the temperate waters of the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and the northern Atlantic Ocean. Mackerel are typically between 25-35cm.
MORE INFO >Atlantic Mackerel
The Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is a pelagic fish that can grow up to 500kg (1000lb). The biggest Bluefin Tuna ever caught was 780kg (1496lb). These great fighters can be caught trolling, jigging, casting or drifting; mainly off-shore.
MORE INFO >Bluefin Tuna
Distributed throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, the Giant Trevally - also known as GT - (Caranx ignobilis) is the most wanted species for popping lovers. They can be 1,70 cm long and reach up to 80 kg (175 lb)!
MORE INFO >Giant Trevally
Best Horse Mackerel Fishing Charters

Viking II
Puerto Vallarta, Jal, Puerto Vallarta