Amberjack fishing
The Amberjack species are a game fish that are found both in the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. They are related to the fish family known as Carangidae and usually found enjoying warmer water temperature areas. Jigging and live bait fishing are the best techniques to target these magnificent fighters.
Amberjack is considered a hard fighting and tough fish to land for many fishermen around the world. Some anglers refer to the Amberjack as being the "reef donkeys" of the water and what they lack for in appearance, they make up for in-game fishing power.
There are different types of Amberjack including the greater Amberjack, lesser Amberjacks, Almaco jack, yellowtail and the banded rudderfish. The greater Amberjacks as one would expect is the larger of the two. A typical adult will reach full size by around the age of 4. They grow to a maximum size of to 170 lb (80 kg). The lesser Amberjacks are usually found at a maximum of 5kg and generally live in deeper water than the greater Amberjacks.

Top Amberjack Fishing destinations
Amberjack is found in oceans and waterways that connect with the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Generally where the water temperatures are of warmer temperature.
Locations to fish for them include the Mediterranean Sea and off the coast of Florida.
How to fish for Amberjack
To successful target the Amberjack species you will want to be fishing in or around some underwater structure. Something like a reef or shipwreck are good places to find them.
Sardines, herring and mullet are commonly used baits when targetting Amberjack. You can also use metal lures to target them with a casting or jigging method.
Good to eat Amberjack
Amberjack is considered a good table fish to eat in a variety of ways and to some are a prized species to find on the end of a fisherman's line.
Cooking styles for Amberjack include baking and grilling.
Regulations for catching Amberjack
Amberjack is a regulated fish in many areas around the world and it will be important to check the local rules before targeting this species.
Size rules of 60cm and a limit of only 1 kept per person is enforced in certain locations around the world.
Other Fish Species similar to Amberjack
Dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor), also referred to as Doggies or white tuna, is probably one of the most sought after species for sportfishermen, being jigging and spinning the preferred fishing techniques. Apart from braking your back, landing one of these brutal fighting machines is arguably an unforgettable experience. They can grow as large as 250cm (8 feet) and can weigh a whopping 130kg.
MORE INFO >Dogtooth tuna
Distributed throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, the Giant Trevally - also known as GT - (Caranx ignobilis) is the most wanted species for popping lovers. They can be 1,70 cm long and reach up to 80 kg (175 lb)!
MORE INFO >Giant Trevally
The horse mackerle (Trachurus trachurus) is a common species found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean off Europe from Norway to South Africa and into the south-eastern Indian Ocean to Mozambique. They are normally between 20 and 30 cm, although the larger fish can grow up to 70 cm and weigh around 2-3kg.
MORE INFO >Horse Mackerel
The Crevalle Jack or Jack Crevalle (Caranx hippos) is a very popular sport fish that belongs to the Carangidae fish species. Horse mackerel, amberjack and giant trevally also belong to this family. Jack Crevalle can grow to a length of 120 cm and a weight of 30 kg.
MORE INFO >Jack Crevalle
The yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) is a type of amberjack found in the Southern Hemisphere. They can grow up to 180 cm (70 in). Yellowtail kingfish can be caught from New Zeeland, Australia to Chile.
MORE INFO >Yellowtail Kingfish
Best Amberjack Fishing Charters

Royal Charters Mallorca
Can Picafort, Mallorca

Foreshore Fishing Tours
Mosman, Sydney