Fly fishing
Fly fishing is a unique style of fishing compared to most other forms available. In the past, it was a technique that was used solely for freshwater fishing but that has changed and it is now possible it saltwater as well.
The casting style used to present a fly is much different from any other form of fishing.
Equipment required for Fly fishing
A specialised rod that has great flexibility is required to produce the whipping action needed for this style of fishing. This rod is paired with another unique reel and fishing line.
Often a fly fisherman will begin to tie their own fly creations to use as bait or it is possible to buy them premade.
Species to target when Fly fishing
This form of fishing first begun as a way to target freshwater species such as trout but it is now possible to target much larger species in both freshwater and saltwater.
Species such as yellowtail kingfish, black bass, salmon and even game fish species tuna and sailfish can be caught with this technique.
The Australian salmon, Arripis trutta, is also known as kahawai in New Zealand. The species can be caught in cooler waters around the south eastern and south western coasts of Australia and the New Zealand coastline. Although it is referred to as a salmon, this species is not related to salmons.
MORE INFO >Australian salmon
Black bass (Micropterus) is a common name for several species like the largemouth bass, smallmouth bass and spotted bass for example. Famous for its great fighting skills, they are a very sought after game fish. Black bass are found in fresh water in the Canada, United States, Mexico, Portugal, Spain and France. Black bass are mostly caught spinfishing. They can grow up to 60 cm / 25 in.
MORE INFO >Black Bass
The brown trout (Salmo trutta) is a salmonid fish which actually has two varieties: the salt water version Salmo trutta trutta - also known as the sea trout - and the fresh water species Salmo trutta fario. Some experts even distinguish a third variety: the lake trout Salmo trutta lacustris. Although the most ...
MORE INFO >Brown Trout
Mahi Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) are also commonly referred to as dorado, dolphin or dolphinfish. They are recognizable by their bluntly shaped heads, long dorsal fin and their bright colouring, dark blue and green on their dorsal side and yellow on their sides and underside.
Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is a salmonid fish. River adult rainbow trout can weigh up to 2,5kg (5lb), whereas stealhead and lake rainbow trout can weith up to 9kg (20lb).
MORE INFO >Rainbow Trout
Sailfish (Istiophorus) are one the most wanted fish in the sport fishing world. Often described as the fastest fish in the sea, sailfish can weigh up to 90 kg (200 pounds) and grow up to 3 m (9.7 ft) in length.
MORE INFO >Sailfish
Salmon is a generic name for several species from Salmonidae family. In fact there are eight species distributed in the Pacific Ocean (like for example the Chinook salmon, Pink salmon or the Sockeye salmon) and one species from the Atlantic Ocean (the Atlantic salmon).
The snook (Centropomus undecimalis) is a great sportfish widespread throughout in western atlantic coastal waters. They are found in creeks, mangroves and shallow waters from North Carolina to Brazil. Snook can grow over 50 inch (1,4m) and weigh over 20kg (50lb)!
Best Places to try Fly fishing
As mentioned above this is now a fishing technique that can be fished in both fresh and saltwater areas.
It is a popular technique when there is little or no wind so sheltered areas are ideal. Australia, Europe and The United States all have many fishermen using this style.
Best Fly fishing Fishing Charters
Tanzanian TigerFish Adventures
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
On The Hook
Puerto Baquerizo Moreno,
Mare Nostrum I
Ponta Delgada, Azores (Portugal)