Fishing in La Gomera

Fishing Charter availability in La Gomera

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Most popular fishing boats charters in La Gomera
Most popular fishing boats charters in La Gomera


San Sebastián de la Gomera, La Gomera (ES)

29,53 ft 29,53 ft 4
From $1701
Deposit non-refundable


San Sebastián de la Gomera, La Gomera (ES)

48,00 ft 48,00 ft 4
From $1317
FREE Cancellation 14 days notice

Mosqui La Gomera

San Sebastián de la Gomera, La Gomera (ES)

46,00 ft 46,00 ft 6
From $1646
Deposit non-refundable

3 boats for charter near by La Gomera

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Key takeaways

Avg Capacity: 5 people
Popular fishing techniques: Tuna fishing, Trolling, Marlin fishing
Average price: $0 per day
Low season price:: $1317 per day
High season price: $2031 per day
Included: Fishing tackle, Fishing License, Bait & lures

record_voice_over Reviews from the users

4/5 Avg. Rating
verified_user 1730 Reviews

Das Charter der Makaira kann ich nur empfehlen. Cap. Valentin und sein Guide sind echte Vollblutangler und man sieht das Sie fische fangen wollen und stets bemüht sind, diesem Ziel gerecht zu werden. Das Boot, die Ausrüstung sind in einwandfreiem Zustand. Mir wurde die Ehre zu Teil den ersten "Blue Marlin" für die Saison 2022 zu fangen. Während dem Drill hat alles wunderbar funktioniert und es wurde sehr gut im Team...

Florian S.

Über Tom,s Catch wurde mir die Makaira angeboten, was sich am Ende des Angel-Tages, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, als Glücksfang erweisen sollte. Wir haben das Boot zu dritt gechartert wobei zwei nur geangelt hatten. Der Kapitän Valentin und Javier sind ein echt tolles eingespieltes Team. Die zwei haben richtig Spaß bei dem was sie tun. Nach längerem Suchen ging alles ganz schnell. Plötzlich surrte die Angelrolle...


Frequently asked questions about fishing in La Gomera

According to our customers, some of the most popular fishing charters in La Gomera are:
Mosqui La Gomera

Depending on the boat, a fishing charter in La Gomera can accommodate up to 6 passangers, although most charters are for 5 people.

Typically in a charter in La Gomera, a fishing boat charter will include the use of the boat, Fishing tackle, Fishing License, Bait & lures. Some charters may also include Snacks and Drinks, while others may allow you to bring your own.

On average, the prices for a fishing trip in La Gomera are around $223 per hour. However, prices can vary depending on factors such as the duration of the trip, the size of the boat, and the number of people. For shorter fishing trips and smaller boats, prices can start as low as $1317 for 8 hours and 4 people. During the high season, prices can increase up to $2031 for a 8-hour-trip with 6 people.

In La Gomera, you can fish:
Bluefin Tuna
Yellowfin Tuna
Blue Marlin
White Marlin
. Fishing regulations may vary, so make sure to check them before you go to La Gomera. We recommend Catch & Release, especially for undersized fish (for example using barbless hooks).

In La Gomera you can do a variety of fishing methods including Tuna fishing, Trolling, Marlin fishing, Deep sea fishing, Bait & Switch. Regulations and restrictions vary depending on the species.

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