Zander fishing
The zander (Sander lucioperca) is a sought after game fish in Europe and western Asia. It's a common fresh water fish distributed from Spain to Finland and from Britain to Kazakhstan.
They can be caught with spinfishing, dead bait and live bait fishing. Zander can grow bigger than 1 meter and weigh up to 15kg.

Other Fish Species similar to Zander
Black bass (Micropterus) is a common name for several species like the largemouth bass, smallmouth bass and spotted bass for example. Famous for its great fighting skills, they are a very sought after game fish. Black bass are found in fresh water in the Canada, United States, Mexico, Portugal, Spain and France. Black bass are mostly caught spinfishing. They can grow up to 60 cm / 25 in.
MORE INFO >Black Bass
The Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) is known by anglers as being a fast, aggressive and strong fish of the ocean. They are fun to target and give a real challenge to anyone who comes across them while fishing. They inhabit temperate and subtropical waters around the world. Bluefish have extremely powerful jaws with razor sharp teeth. They can grow over a meter and weigh over 10kg.
MORE INFO >Bluefish
Carp (Cyprinus carpio) originally come from Asia, but since ages they are native to Europe. In the Middle Ages, monks introduced carp into ponds and lakes for food. Carp thrive in virtually any environment and can grow up to 80lb! Carp fishing is extremely popular in the U.K. and in Western Europe.
Catfish are a diverse group of fish which have one thing in common: their barbels. They exist in all kinds of colours and sizes, ranging from the Mekong giant catfish in Asia, the wels catfish in Eurasia to the piraiba in South America. Catfish are the largest freshwater fish and they can grow up to 5m and weigh over 300kg!!
MORE INFO >Catfish
Pike (Esox) are a fresh water predator found in the Northern Hemisphere. Several subspecies are distributed in Canada, North America, Europe and Asia. Pike can grow up to 1,5m (59 inch) and weigh over 25kg (55lbs). Trolling, spinfishing, life or dead bait fishing and fly fishing are the best techniques to fish for this fish.
Best Zander Fishing Charters

Ebro Dream Fishing I
Riba Roja De Ebre, Riba-Roja d'Ebre (Spain)

Pexfish tracker v16 Zandarella
Bromölla, Sweden (Sweden)

X Predator Lodge
Orellana la Vieja, Orellana (Spain)

Finval 555 ProFish
Sollebrunn, Sweden (Sweden)

Tomas Henriksson - Lake Mälaren - Anytec 622 SPF
Ekerö, Stockholm (Sweden)