Meagre fishing
The meagre (Argyrosomus regius) - also known as croaker or corvina in Spanish - is a great silver colored sport fish found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Meagre use to feed on squid, crustaceans, sardines and mullet in inshore waters like estuaries and coastal lagoons. This species can become huge! Meagre can grow to 2m (80 in) in length and 50 kg (110 lb) in weight.
Top Meagre Fishing destinations
Meagre are found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Huelva and Cadiz in Spain are great to target this species with live bait or jigging.
Other Fish Species similar to Meagre
The Amberjack species are a game fish that are found both in the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Jigging and live bait fishing are the best techniques to target these magnificent fighters. Greater Amberjack can weigh up to 170 lb (80 kg).
MORE INFO >Amberjack
The Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) is known by anglers as being a fast, aggressive and strong fish of the ocean. They are fun to target and give a real challenge to anyone who comes across them while fishing. They inhabit temperate and subtropical waters around the world. Bluefish have extremely powerful jaws with razor sharp teeth. They can grow over a meter and weigh over 10kg.
MORE INFO >Bluefish
The dentex (Dentex dentex) is a common saltwater fish in the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and sometimes they appear in the Canary Islands, Morocco and Senegal. They have very strong teeth to feed on fish, squid and mollusca. Dentex are a great species for sportfishing and are targetted mainly trolling or jigging. The larger fish are 1m long and can weigh up to 15 kg (35 lb).
Grouper is common name for all the bass-looking-fish from the Epinephelinae Family. This family also includes sea bass by the way. Grouper are colorful predators who like to live in rocky areas, reefs, wrecks where they can hide.
MORE INFO >Grouper
The pink dentex (Dentex gibbosus) is a saltwater fish distributed from Portugal to Angola, Canary Islands and the warmer areas of the Mediterranean Sea such as southern Spain and the Gibraltar Strait area, Morocco, southern Italy, Tunisia and Algeria. The larger fish are 1,2 m long and can weigh up to 18 kg (40 lb).
MORE INFO >Pink Dentex
Redbanded seabream (Pagrus auriga) is a fish of the bream family Sparidae, just like gilt-head bream, red porgy and dentex. Redbanded seabream are found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean and the south western Mediterranean Sea. They mainly feed on shellfish and cephalopods. This wonderful fish species can grow up to 1 meter long and weigh more than 12kg.
MORE INFO >Redbanded seabream
The redfish (Sciaenops ocellatus), also known as red drum is one of the most sought after light tackle game fish. The fish is found in the western Atlantic Ocean from northern Mexico to the Southeast of the US. Red drum are a dark red color on the back and have a characteristic black eyespot near the tail. They feed on crabs, shrimp and mullet.
MORE INFO >Redfish
Best Meagre Fishing Charters

Sobre Las Olas
La Altagracia, Punta Cana