Fingermark bream fishing
The Fingermark bream (Lutjanus johnii) is also known as John's snapper or the golden snapper. The species is found in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. It can grow to approximately 8 kg and 75 cm in length. Fingermark are a very good eating fish.

Other Fish Species similar to Fingermark bream
Blackspotted croaker also known in Australia as black jewfish (Protonibea diacanthus) grow to lengths of 150 centimetres and weigh up to 45 kilograms. Their colour ranges from dark bronze to a salmon-brown on the upper section. Its sides are silver and have a yellowish underside.
MORE INFO >Blackspotted croaker
The Coral Trout (Plectropomus leopardus) also has a couple of other common names such Leopard Coral Grouper or Leopard Coral Trout. It is a close relation to fish from the grouper and coral cod families. They can grow to a length of 23 and 62 cm and the general average has been noted at around 40 cm.
MORE INFO >Coral Trout
Nannygai is kind of a snapper. Various fish in Australia are called Nannygai.
MORE INFO >Nannygai
The yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) is a type of amberjack found in the Southern Hemisphere. They can grow up to 180 cm (70 in). Yellowtail kingfish can be caught from New Zeeland, Australia to Chile.
MORE INFO >Yellowtail Kingfish
Best Fingermark bream Fishing Charters

G&T Fishing School & Charters
Hinchinbrook, Townsville

CY Fishing Charters
Albany Island, Queensland

Reel Escape
Port Douglas , Port Douglas